Can't knock the hustle.


Creative Interfaces for A/V Archives [Researcher in Residence @ Beeld & Geluid]

As researcher-in-residence with Beeld & Geluid, my research is looking into emerging and alternative ways of interfacing with audio-visual archives, exploring themes such as generous interfaces, polyvocal collections, algorithmically-enriched metadata, and archival installations.

Digital Nature @ Design Museum Den Bosch

My work 'Algorithmic Nudibranch' was included in the Digital Nature exhibition at the Design Museum in Den Bosch. Curated by Bao Yao Fei and produced in collaboration with DEMO festival, the exhibition is on display from October-January 2023.

“How to Wake up the Ghosts” – AI-generated film using CLIP+VQGAN

How to Wake Up the Ghosts is a project by Erik Peters and a collaboration between various artists about non-human intelligence and the ecological crisis. To support the soundscape and narrative, I created a 7-minute film using AI-generated images with CLIP+VQGAN and post-processing methods.

AI Ideation Cards [and 232% funded Kickstarter campaign]

The AI Ideation Card Deck helps designers, managers and innovators leverage AI capabilities available to us today for social, user & business value. It includes 24 colorful prompt cards with 100+ example use cases across 7 categories to use during brainstorm or ideation sessions.

Dictionary of Digital: Co-creating language for our digitally-induced feels

This project is a collaboration with Ocean Conijn and funded by Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie in which we host sessions and experiments to collaboratively question and articulate our emotional relationship with technology while exploring neologizing as a tool for dialogue.

Futures Design & United Nations 2050: Proposing a more-than-human parliament for post-anthropocene politics

Together with Viraj Joshi, we created “The Utopia Compass” proposing a more-than-human parliament for post-anthropocene politics in response to the UN & Design Futures open call on Futuring Peace.

E-book AI-Driven Design in collaboration with Adyen & AWWWARDS

I was invited to write a chapter as part of the series of e-books on AI-Driven Design in collaboration with Adyen & AWWWARDS and initiated by Joel van Bodegraven in which I zoom into 9 UI/UX Design Challenges in Machine Learning Products.