In collaboration with ANTI and commissioned by the ICO, we ran a research program spanning multiple weeks and research methods to map the role of design in creating non-discriminatory AI. The research will help the UK’s ICO understand how (mis)use of personal data across the AI pipeline can create harms, the technical, social & organizational challenges in mitigating them, and the support product teams and designers might need.

My role in the project was to lead on the generative research workshops that were done with industry practitioners and people who build and design AI products & services in their day-to-day jobs. Together with Abdo Hassan, we developed & facilitated 3 interconnected sessions:

1️⃣ In Workshop #1 we seek to recognize Harmful/Discriminatory Practices & Outcomes throughout the AI Pipeline and current work on mitigating them with designers, engineers, data folks, strategist, bizz dev & all other practitioners that work with AI teams 🗺

2️⃣ In Workshop #2 we focus on identifying Barriers & Red Flags in Non-Discriminatory Design and challenges in overcoming them with designers and design-driven product leaders 🔬

3️⃣ Workshop #3 we expand on the potential of Designing for Outcomes/Impact by Supporting Users’ Data Rights & Dissent with UX, Service, and Strategic Designers 🔮

The insights generated through the workshops were captured and expanded upon in an internal report.

We also hosted an interactive session at MozFest 2022 going over some of the Design for Data Rights prototyping exercises with a public audience.