Tech trend book ‘Future of healthcare & hospital logistics 2050’

The team
This project was primarily my account. I was responsible for designing, conducting, and presenting the research, communicating with the client. creating the report, and facilitating the workshop.

About Bit
Bit is a research and prototyping studio run by 50 young tech talents, on a mission to fast-forward the impact of emerging tech.


The brief
Working as a design researcher at Bit, we worked together with a global logistics company to research tech applications and explore potential future opportunities in healthcare and logistics.

The approach
Approaching hospital logistics at the intersection, I first did exploratory research into the future of healthcare and the future of logistics. Based on this I created a scope wheel which led the direction of my further research. The most prominent sources were renowned university research faculty websites and science & technology blogs.

The deliverable
A total of 40 emerging tech applications were categorized and presented in a tech trend report. To interpret the implications of the findings and identify opportunities, I facilitated a futures foresight workshop for the client team.

The impact
The research report was used within the organization and its content repurposed for public talks. The opportunities identified are leading for the hospital logistics team’s strategy.