Better Images of AI

ClientAI4MEDIA / We & AI / Better Images of AIURLaixdesign.coYear2023ServicesCuration, Creative Direction

A series of artist commissions to create better visuals about artificial intelligence

The current dominant imagery of AI reinforces dangerous misconceptions, and at best limits the public understanding of the current use and workings of AI systems, their potential and implications. AI4Media and Better Images of AI / We and AI commissioned AIxDESIGN to create & curate a season of artist commissions & community open call to re-imagine a better visual language for AI.

The main aim is to create a sets of imagery that avoid perpetuating unhelpful myths about artificial intelligence by inviting artists from different backgrounds to develop better images while tackling the questions like: Is the image representing a particular part of the technology or is it trying to tell a wider story? Does it help people understand the technology and is it an accurate representation?

My role in the project was focussed on artist curation and creative direction, working alongside the artists throughout their process towards the final images.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951911.

These images were created through a series of artist commissions curated, managed & directed by AIxDESIGN and funded by AI4Media for the Better Images of AI open-source image library. They are now part of the open-source Better Images library which means they’re free for you to download and use!