12 Apps that Transform the Way I Organize & Get Shit Done

People think I got my shit together. Really, I just got a solid digital productivity system to back me up and keep it…

0 Comments14 Minutes

Design (Thinking) for Social Anxiety

Thoughts on how social anxiety awareness could help us design more meaningful and inclusive experiences. Most of our…

0 Comments6 Minutes

Pani Puri’s, Rickshaws, Wedding Gowns & Mental Breakdowns: The ups and downs of my first 2 weeks in Mumbai

Mumbai is a city surrounded by questionable stereotypes and mixed messages. 2 weeks into Bombay life, I figured I'd…

0 Comments8 Minutes

A timely note on the paradoxical relation of self-improvement and self-love

As young, ambitious souls, reaching for our potential, we should be cautious in keeping a healthy balance between the…

0 Comments7 Minutes

Executive + Artist: The Dual Role of a (Business) Innovator

As a business innovator, you don’t quite fit in predefined boxes of expertise. Equal parts executive, equal parts…

2 Comments3 Minutes